Monday, February 20, 2012

Mix-Up Monday: Shopping Carts (Einkaufswagen, Корзина, ショッピングカート)

German carts all hooked together

When you go shopping in Germany make sure you have a euro or two with you. Shopping carts in Germany require deposits in order to be able to unhook them from the other carts at the store.

Coin slot

Without the proper coin you will be carrying all of your groceries in your hands.

Key chain with cart chip

We never know if we will have a euro coin or two euro coin in our pockets when we go to the store but have solved this problem by using a key chain which has a chip the same size of a euro coin. Just slip it in the shopping cart and you are good to planning necessary.

American carts, all separate from each other

These types of carts do not exist in the USA (as far as she knows, if you have seen one let us know). You get your cart without a deposit and the stores hope you return them when you are finished. Some supermarkets like Safeway have actually added sensors to the parking lots which cause the shopping cart's wheels to lock if the cart is taken over the boundary line. These are also companies in the USA which drive around looking for carts which have been abandoned around town.

Shopping Cart (Einkaufswagen)

There are lots of differences between shopping for groceries in the USA and Germany. This is just one of the silly differences you might run into when traveling in a foreign country.

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